Friday, June 8, 2012

Google maps / earth view of all (payware) RW routes

Ok, so I was bored the other day and had a small play around in Google Earth and kml files. I created some paths and tried to follow them in the flight simulator mode, those paths happened to be some Railworks routes. I wondered if it might be of any use to put them all together into an kml file and provide it, but then I had a look at Google Maps and did not found any possibility to import the paths. So in the end I layed them out again on Maps and put on up additional ones as well.

In the end I went so far to call it complete and gave on the link. Now it's here for you all to play around with.
legend: green = RW default, red = RSC, bright blue = JustTrains, purple = Thompson Interactive, dark blue = Aerosoft - and for the US: bright blue = GTrax, yellow/orange = Allaboard

The view on the maps site is slightly annoying, as it only shows a set of markers on the current page. I tried to seperate the US und European routes on two different pages, but there is still some overlapping. So at the moment there are not all US routes on one page.
However I'd recommend in any case downloading the kml file which is generated by this Maps view. On the top left side, there is a blue icon with some sort of wave on it, you can download it there and then open it in Google Earth for a much more convenient view.

I hope you english readers are not too annoyed that all labels are in german, but it is pretty self explanatory I think. Also I only included payware or RW default routes, as to map every freeware route published today is a task too big for me alone.

As for ingame content: bare with me, I have some things in the workshop but it's going on slow at the moment. I promised to have a second look on my peoples pack, which I haven't yet done unfortunately. It will be done, but it's not on top of my list. First I want to finish some scenarios laying around for a while now. One of them is in the final steps before beta testing, but needs polishing. But I will release something during this month, just not sure what. Might be the people repaints, might be a scenario or something completely different. Watch this spot or the usual forums, I'll let you know ;-)